making meatloaf

Today, on this beautiful Spring day, I'm cleaning house in preparation for my mother and sister coming for dinner. I'm excited for them to come, and am hoping to start a new "Wednesday dinner" tradition. It would replace a tradition I sorely miss with my family - "Sunday dinner" - something we haven't done since way back when my grandmother was living. Of course, that wasn't actually "dinner", it was "lunch", but us southerners really don't know the difference. And on the subject of southerners, tonight will be a purely simple southern meal: meatloaf, mashed potatoes, cabbage, field peas, fried okra, and cornbread, of course. Let's hope I can pull it off without scorching anything!

Anyhow, as I was multitasking - going over tonight's menu in my head, dusting the furniture, while halfway listening to the doom and gloom on FOX News - it occurred to me that, you know, our country is going to be okay. Even though Nancy Pelosi stomped her feet long enough and loud enough, and the dastardly democrats got their way with the health care bill, we're going to be all right. Because the politicians, republicans and democrats alike, well...they are just making meatloaf.

You see, some people put bell pepper into their meatloaf; others detest bell pepper, so they leave it out. But it doesn't matter - bell pepper or no - in the end you've got meatloaf. So, while the democrats want to toss a big pile of handouts into the mix, and the republicans want to leave them out; doesn't matter, it's all just another government loaf. One the U.S. citizenry will have to choke down, regardless of taste. The important thing is that the chefs in D.C. are always changing (many in November, yes!). And they are always going to be making meatloaf of one kind or another. And they can take away the bell pepper, even throw in some carrots, but they can't take away the recipe that is our constitution.

Well, you know. You can tell yourself anything on a beautiful Spring day.


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